Cannon Packaging Company, Inc. RSS Feed Cannon Packaging Company, Inc. Rss Feed of Product 20th January, 2025 en-us EDTA COMBINATION MIX  

Cannon EDTA Combo Mix combines attributes of the listed micronutrients for use as a soil applied or foliar applied micronutrient package. (Mg 0.65%, Fe 0.50%, Mn 2.25%, Zn 1.27%)



DEVELOP IITM is the highest quality Liquid Boron product on the market. We use our patented process to manufacture DEVELOP IITM in such a manner that it is in the easiest form for plants to take in. Boron is vital to the growth and development of the plant. Without adequate Boron, new growth ceases. It is necessary in the pollination and seed production stages. Boron is essential for maintaining a balance between sugars and starches. A small amount of Boron is beneficial to plants, but too much can be toxic. Care should be taken when considering Boron for your crops.



CANNON CALCIUM 3 is needed in the plant to promote early root formation and growth. It improves general plant vigor and stiffness of stalk. With Calcium deficiencies, leaves have a wrinkled or crinkled appearance and in some instances, young leaves may never unfold. Roots are also short and very bunched.


COPPER 7.5 (7.5% LIQUID Cu EDTA),5+(7,5+liquid+cu+edta)/  

CANNON COPPER 7.5 is important as a co-enzyme. It is needed to activate several plant enzymes, including building and converting amino acids to proteins. Since Copper is an immobile nutrient, deficiency symptoms usually occur on new growth. Copper deficient plants will become chlorotic and take on a bleached appearance. New growth may die.


MAGNESIUM 2.5 (2.5% LIQUID Mg EDTA),5+(2,5+liquid+mg+edta)/  

CANNON MAGNESIUM 2.5 is the key element in the molecule of chlorophyll. It regulates the uptake of other nutrients in the plant and acts as a carrier of phosphorous in the plant. Deficiencies usually occur in sandy soils or in soils with extremely high pH. Magnesium deficiencies cause corn plants to develop light yellow or white appearance between the parallel veins.



CANNON MANGANESE 6 is essential to plants, but too much is toxic. Manganese functions in chlorophyll development and serves as a catalyst in several enzyme systems in the oxidation-reduction process. Manganese deficiencies are very similar to iron deficiencies and appear in the younger leaves of the plant first. Color may be pale between the veins of broadleaf plants.



CANNON Zinc 9 is necessary for starch formation and proper root development. It is also essential for seed formation and maturity. The most common nutrient deficiencies include interveinal chlorosis on older leaves with shortening of the intermodal area. This shortening often results in a short compressed plant with a rosette appearance.


IRON 4.5 (4.5% LIQUID Fe HEDTA),5+(4,5+liquid+fe+hedta)/  

CANNON IRON 4.5 functions as a catalyst in several processes within the plant. It plays a vital role in the formation of chlorophyll and also functions in the respiratory enzymes. Iron serves in the transportation of energy in the plant. Iron is also an immobile nutrient and nutrient deficiencies are usually noticed first in the young leaves. They will first exhibit interveinal chlorosis which will spread over the entire leaf and turn it white. New growth will cease and the leaves will die.


MOLY 5 (5% MOLYBDENUM) Cotton Maxx Corblend 2.0,0/ The punch of Sulfur, Zinc & Iron that corn needs throughout it’s growth cycle. Ultra efficient sulfates combined with compatibility, gives the perfect shot to corn

Grain Boost Pro Grain Boost PROTM is a blend specifically designed for use in small grains. It is best applied in a split shot with wheat at 1-quart at “green-up” and 1-quart at fungicide application. In barley oats and rice a one-time application of a quart before flooding or head formation. Grain Boost PROTM is an EDTA blend and is compatible with most pesticides.

Harvest Maxx  

HARVEST MAXTM is designed as a late application nutrient pack for early soy beans. It is best utilized in group 3-mid 4 beans. It should be applied in one shot during the last herbicide application.


Micro Maxx Early season micro-pack designed for maximum growth. Includes Sulfur.

Harvest Max 4-0-0  

HARVEST MAXX 400TM is designed as a multiple application Micronutrient pack for use in soy beans. The difference between it and the previous product is that HARVEST MAXX 400TM is a sulfate blend and compatible with most pesticides. HARVEST MAXX 400TM is designed to deliver sulfur to the crop as well as highly efficient nutrients.



A premier starter fertilizer that can be utilized on any crop and applied in furrow, 2x2, or foliar. It is best utilized with corn during planting.


Nourish Maxx  

 The anytime any-condition Micronutrient blend. NOURISH MAXXTM is ideal in any condition and can be tank-mixed with almost anything on the market.


Apis-K 4-0-24 (for Cotton & Soybeans) SRN-28  

 SRN-28 (Slow Release Nitrogen)
SRN-28 is specially formulated to be used on crops as a foliar feed N product or Nitrogen replacement. Though liquid N is readily available, SRN-28 is a longer lasting liquid N that is 10 times more efficient than most other forms of Nitrogen. It is especially important to wheat crops due to it’s compatibility and longer life to stay available through cool spring conditions.


32-0-0 UAN (Per Ton) Nitro Maxx  

Hands down, the best nitrogen management chemical available. When you need N to stay, there’s no other that can keep it there longer!


Nitro Maxx Ultra  

Delivering the capabilities of NITRO MAXX with the added punch of Micronutrients designed to make N even more efficient and plant growth more vigorous!


Surf-80 A true 80% Surfactant. Approved for sale in Mississippi, our only state to monitor true % surfactant, etc.

Surf-90 The go-everywhere sticker. 90/10 is more and more utilized with complex blends due to it's higher mol content (9.5 mol) and used to make a true 90% surfactant.

Green Doctor Crop Oil  

 CROP OIL (83/17)
Like 80/20, this is the old standard with a new look, but remains the standard in oil penetrators on the market. We use a double refined base oil and we buy only American oils & surfactants combined to penetrate waxy leaf and provide sticking ability.


Methylated OL  

When using a complex herbicide, nothing gets results like MSO, especially in early spring and late fall applications. This is a hotter oil than crop oil.


Premium 60/40  

When the best is necessary, look no further. Premium 60/40 gives you the highest activity from half the rate. 60/40 is a 100% oil that can cut through the toughest leaf wax in the worst conditions. It will deliver your products when nothing else can. Also, an oil 60% and surfactant combination 40%, you will use less.



 ENHANCERTM (Liquid AMS blend)
ENHANCER is built on AMS but with the added benefits of the polymer drift control and deposition agents, burn down has never been more effective and precise. ENHANCER delivers pesticides with the advantage of a Nitrogen carrier. Delivers the highest load of AMS 34.5%.



FUSIONTM is a liquid AMS product that is blended with a buffer and conditioner making it easier to tank mix in hard water conditions. It is also used to enhance the activity of Glyphosate when conditions are not exactly perfect for systemic herbicides.



FUSION-DTM is a dry version of FUSIONTM. The major difference is that it is a 100% concentrate and therefore less is more. When it comes to hauling stacks of chemical FUSION-DTM can cut the room needed for adjuvants by 2/3. FUSION-D is also more highly concentrated to deliver the most powerful punch to any chemical.


This comes in 25 lb. boxes.

Ferti-Guard 4-0-5  

FERTI-GUARDTM is the fourth and perhaps the most important part of Elements' NEW CARBON TECHNOLOGIES. It is  a fertilizer enhancer and antioxidant designed to increase the amount of available nutrients that a crop can utilze in times of stress. It is  an ultra high efficiency nutrient package that will mean the difference in yield no matter the contitions.


B-CARBON-MAXX ELEMENTS, New Carbon Technologies for Cotton crops. Supported by ultra high efficiency Boron to fortify high yields in Cotton and deliver a package of easily absorbed nutrients.


ELEMENTS, New Carbon Technologies for Bean Crops.

Supported by ultra high efficiency Manganese to fortify GMO beans and deliver a package of easily absorbed nutrients.




ELEMENTS, New Carbon Technologies for Corn crops.

Supported by ultra high efficiency Zinc to fortify high yields in corn and deliver a package of easily absorbed nutrients.




DE-PACTTM is the most important step in getting nutrients delivered to plants. In order to have a great nutrient system, the soil should be the first place we look to deliver the nutrients that already exist. In most cases they are there, but remain in a form that is nearly impossible for plants to take in. By adding DE-PACTTM to your nutrient program, you are taking the most important step in giving your crop the best advantage to maintain as much yield potential possible. DE-PACTTM readies your soil for any crop by increasing microbial activity and freeing up nutrients into a form that plants will use.
Recommended use: 1/2-1 gallon per acre in the fall after harvest and again in the spring at planting or foliar in the early growth stages of crops, especially corn.


Resi-Gone (Price per Oz)  

RESI-GONETM is used as a stalk digester and soil conditioner. It is a non plant food addition to the soil that supports microbial activity and helps break down residue left after harvest. When used with DE-PACTTM, It creates the ultimate soil conditioner and residue digester that can be applied to conventional and no-till fields.
Recommended use: 1-4oz per acre when blended with DE-PACTTM or independently at 6oz per acre.


Mineral Mine (25# BOX) MINERAL MINE is a unique blend of the most necessary vitamins and nutrients that deer need to support full health. It gives a sportsman the ability to provide deer with all they need in order to keep them in a local area. Price based on per pound. Also available in a 12.5 lb. box for $1.50.

Plot Pro 8-8-8 (2X2 1/2) Growth Plus is a specially blended plot fertilizer. It is designed to be used with any seed blend in any climate. It is built on our NEW CARBON TECHNOLOGIES line of products and can be utilized at anytime from seeding to flowering. Plot Pro is available in Bulk, Tote, and 4X1 / 2 X 2 1/2 cases.

Pond Pro 10-52-4 (25# BOX) Pond Pro is a water soluble powder fertilizer blended in a 100% water soluble mixture. Use at a rate of 4 lbs. per surface-acre. Price based on per pound.

Gro Pro 12-48-8 w/Micros Designed much the same as the other solubles, this one delivers a potent dose of Phosphorous to kick any crop in gear. Also contains a generous micro-pak. Price is based on pounds.This comes in 25 lb. boxes.

Gro Pro 30-10-10 w/Micros The king of "Green Up. This product is designed to go anywhere; anytime to deliver high efficiency Nitrogen along with a serious Micronutrient package. This comes in 25 lb. boxes; price based on pounds.

Gro Pro 20-20-20 w/Micros The all around fertilizer blend. Only this one is stepped up above the competition with a generous Micronutrient package. Price based on pounds. This comes in 25 lb. boxes; price based on pounds.

RE-COVER A plant hormone supplement for all crops. Only available in 4X1.


 Re-Cover was named due to one of our secretaries who was in an accident and is now paralyzed below the waist. A portion of each sale of this item is donated to fund her recovery.

Green Doctor Gro Pro 12-48-8 w/Micros Designed much the same as the other solubles, this one delivers a potent dose of Phosphorous to kick any crop in gear. Also contains a generous micro-pak. This comes in 25 lb. boxes; price based on pounds.

Gro Pro 30-10-10 w/Micros The king of "Green Up". This product is designed to go anywhere; anytime to deliver high efficiency Nitrogen along with a serious Micronutrient package. This comes in 25 lb. boxes; prices based on pounds.

Gro Pro 20-20-20 w/Micros The all around fertilizer blend. Only this one is tepped up above the competition with a generous Micronutrient package.This comes in a 25 lb. box. Price is based on pounds.

Re-Cover A plant hormone supplement for all crops. Only available in 4X1.


Re-Cover was named due to one of our secretaries who was in an accident and is now paralyzed below the waist. A portion of each sale, of this item, is donated to fund her recovery.

Surf-80 A true 80% Surfactant. Approved for sale in mississippi, our only state to monitor true % surfactant, etc.

Surf 90 The go-everywhere sticker. 90/10 is more and more utilized with complex blends due to it's higher mol content (9.5 mol) and used to make true 90% surfactant.

Crop Oil (83/17) Like 80/20, this is the old standard with a new look, but remains the standard in oil penetrators on the market. We use a double refined base oil and we buy only American oils & Surfactants combined to penetrate waxy leaf and provide sticking ability.

Methylated Seed Oil (MSO) When using a complex herbicide, nothing gets results like MSO, especially in early spring and late fall applications. This is hotter oil than crop oil.

Premium 60/40 When the best is necessary, look no further. Premium 60/40 gives you the highest activity from half the rate. 60/40 is a 100% oil that can cut through the toughest leaf wax in the worst conditions. It will deliver your products when nothing else can. Also an oil 60% and surfactant combination 40%, you will use less.

Enhancer ENHANCER is built on AMS but with the added benefits of the polymer drift control and deposition agents, burn down has never been more effective and precise. ENHANCER delivers pesticides with the advantage of a Nitrogen carrier. Delivers the highest load of AMS 34.5%

2% Mist Control It always seems that the days you need to be spraying are the windiest days of the year. STOP drift at the boom with 2% MIST CONTROL. It is a special polymer that is compatilbe with hard water conditions and most tank mixes.

Fusion (Liquid AMS w/buffer) FUSION is a liquid AMS product that is blended with a buffer and conditioner making it easier to tank mix in hard water conditions. It is also used to enhance the activity of Glyphosate when conditions are not exactly perfect for systemic herbicides.

Fusion-D (Dry AMS w/buffer) FUSION-D is a dry version of FUSION. The major difference is that it is a 100% concentrate and therefore less is more. When it comes to hauling stacks of chemical FUSION-D can cut the room needed for adjuvants by 2/3. FUSION-D is also more highly concentrated to deliver the most powerful punch to any chemical. Price based on per pound; this comes in 25 lb. boxes.

Surf-80 A true 80% Surfactant. Approved for sale in Mississippi, our only state to monitor true % surfactant, etc.

Surf-90 The go-everywhere sticker. 90/10 is more and more utilized with complex blends due to it's higher mol content (9.5 mol) and used to make a true 90% surfactant.

Crop Oil (83/17) Like 80/20, this is the old standard with a new look, but remains the standard in oil penetrators on the market. We use a double refined base oil and we buy only American oils & surfactants combined to penetrate waxy leaf and provide sticking ability.

Methylated Ol (MSO) When using a complex herbicide, nothing gets results like MSO, especially in early spring and late fall applications. This is hotter oil than crop oil.

Premium 60/40 When the best is necessary, look no further. Premium 60/40 gives you the highest activity from half the rate. 60/40 is a 100% oil that can cut through the toughest leaf wax in the worst conditions It will deliver your products when nothing else can. Also, an oil 60% and surfactant combination 40%, you will use less.

Enhancer (Liquid AMS blend) ENHANCER is built on AMS but with the added benefits of the polymer drift control and depostion agents, burn down has never been more effective and precise. ENHANCER delivers pesticides with the advantage of a Nitrogen carrier. Delivers the highest load of AMS 34.5%

2% Mist Control It always seems that the days you need to be spraying are the windiest days of the year. STOP drift at teh boom with 2% MIST CONTROL. It is a special polymer that is compatible with hard water conditions and most tank mixes.

Fusion (Liquid AMS w/buffer) FUSION is a liquid AMS product that is blended with a buffer and conditioner making it easier to tank mix in hard water conditions. It is also used to enhance the activity of Glyphosate when conditions are not exactly perfect for systemic herbicides.

Fusion-D (Dry AMS w/buffer) FUSION-D is a dry version of FUSION. The major difference is that it is a 100% concentrate and therefore less is more. When it comes to hauling stacks of chemical FUSION-D can cut the room needed for adjuvants by 2/3. FUSION-D is also more highly concentrated to deliver the most powerful punch to any chemical. Price based on pounds; this comes in 25 lb. boxes.

Green Doctor Gro Pro 10-52-4 w/Micros Price is based on per pound. This comes in a 25 lb. box.

Gro Pro 30-0-10 w/Micros This comes in a 25 lb. box; Price is based on pounds.

Gro Pro 10-52-4 w/Micros This comes in a 25 lb. box; price is based on per pound.

Gro Pro 30-0-10 w/Micros PRICES BASED ON POUNDS; These come in 25 lb. boxes.

De-Pact DE-PACT is the most important step in getting nutrients delivered to plants. In order to have a great nutrient system, the soil should be the first place we look to deliver the nutrients that already exist. In most cases they are there, but remain in a form that is nearly impossible for plants to take in. By adding DE-PACT to your nutrient program, you are taking the most important step in giving your crop the best advantage to maintain as much yield potential possible. DE-PACT readies your soil for any crop by increasing microbial activity and freeing up nutrients into a form that plants will use.

Resi-Gone (Price per Oz.),)/ RESI-GONE isused as a stalk digester and soil conditioner. It is a non plant food addition to the soil that supports microbial activity and helps break down residue left after harvest. When used with DE-PACT, It creates the ultimate soil conditioner and reidue digester that can be applied to conventional and no-till fields. Price is based per ounce.

Cotton Maxx Gro Pro 10-52-4 w/Micros This comes in 25 lb. boxes; price based on pounds.

Gro Pro 30-0-10 w/Micros Price is based on pounds; This comes in  25 lb. boxes.

Resi-Gone (Price per Oz.),)/ RESI-GONE is used as a stalk digester and soil conditioner. It is a non plant food addition to the soil that supports microbial activity and helps break down residue left after harvest. When used with DE-PACT, It creates the ultimate soil conditioner and residue digester that can be applied to conventional and no-till fields.

De-Pact DE-PACT is the most important step in getting nutrients delivered to plants. In order to have a great nutrient system, the soil should be the first place we look to deliver the nutrients that already exist. In most cases they are there, but remain in a form that is nearly impossible for plants to take in. By addingn DE-PACT to your nutrient program, you are taking the most important step in giving your crop the best advantage to maintain as much yield potential possible. DE-PACT readies your soil for any crop by increasing microbial activity and freeing up nutrients into a form that plants will use.

Re-Cover A plant hormone supplement for all crops. Only available in 4X1.


Re-Cover was named due to one of our secretaries who was in an accident and is now paralyzed below the waist. A portion of each sale, of this item, is donated to fund her recovery.

Gro Pro 30-10-10 w/Micros The king of "Green Up". This product is designed to go anywhere; anytime to deliver high efficiency Nitrogen along with a serious Micronutrient package. This comes in 25 lb. boxes; price is based on pounds.

Gro Pro 20-20-20 w/Micros The all-around fertilizer blend. Only this one is stepped up above the competition with a generous Micronutrient package. This comes in 25 lb. boxes; price is based on pounds.

Gro Pro 12-48-8 w/Micros Designed much the same as the other solubles, this one delivers a potent dose of Phosphorous to kick any crop in gear. Also contains a generous micro-pak. This comes in 25 lb. boxes; price is based on pounds.

Gro Pro 10-52-4 w/Micros This comes in 25 lb. boxes; price is based on pounds.

Gro Pro 30-0-10 w/Micros This comes in 25 lb. boxes; price is based on pounds.

Gro Pro 30-10-10 w/Micros The king of "Green Up". This product is designed to go anywhere; anytime to deliver high efficiency Nitrogen along with a serious Micronutrient package. This comes in 25 lb. boxes; price based on pounds.

Gro Pro 20-20-20 w/Micros The all-around fertilizer blend. Only this one is stepped up above the competition with a generous Micronutrient package. This comes in 25 lb. boxes; price is based on pounds.

Gro Pro 12-48-8 w/Micros Designed much the same as the other solubles, this one delivers a potent dose of Phosphorous to kick any crop in gear. Also contains a generous micro-pak. This comes in 25 lb. boxes; price based on pounds.

Nitro Maxx-C C-Blaz A premier starter fertilizer that can be utilized on any crop and applied in furrow, 2X, or foliar. It is best utilized with corn during planting.

Seed Flow Ultra (Talc Replacement) Price is based on per pound; This comes in a 8 lb. PAIL.
